• 9 years ago
President Obama has attained one of the highest late second term approval ratings in recent history. On Monday night, Gallup revealed that the president’s popularity stands at 56%.

President Obama has attained one of the highest late second term approval ratings in recent history. 
On Monday night, Gallup revealed that the president’s popularity stands at 56%.
That places him above Ronald Regan’s 1988 election-time numbers and just shy of Bill Clinton’s results in 2000.
Obama also came out quite well in a Bloomberg Politics poll that asked participants to choose in a make-believe race between him and Donald Trump. 
The president emerged as the victor, garnering 53% of the pretend vote to Trump’s 41%. 
The actual election is much tighter, with national polls showing Hillary Clinton ahead of Donald Trump by only 4 points, notes Politico. 
According to White House press secretary Josh Earnest, those are the numbers that Obama has been most concerned about as of late, placing all of his focus on campaigning for Clinton. 
When the election is over, said Earnest, “There’ll be time for him to think and talk a little bit more about his own presidency…”


