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  • 8 years ago
Not me but I overheard a customer who was being shown Google street view on a phone for the first time say, "Is it live". The poor guy had no idea how to respond.

"Yes, there are live cameras in nearly every street of the UK that you can control the position of"
[] I'm sure that imperialism felt like forced immigration to the people already living there.
[] It can buy me a boat.
It can buy me a truck to pull it.
It can buy me a Yeti 110 iced down with some silver bullets.
[] The idea the athletes are overpaid is retarded. They are paid a small percentage of money that they bring in. A teacher is a more noble position than an athlete yes, but a teacher doesn't directly generate millions upon millions of dollars. If millions of people are willing to spend thousands of dollars on you, why do you not deserve to get paid to reflect that.
[] Ohhhh so Apple makes them.
[] In Australia, Lattes, macchiatos, and espressos tend to be served in glasses, and many places use 'cup/mug' as equivalent 'small/large' for the other drinks.
[] Yeah. I got kinda mad just watching it.
[] Fun fact: The main reason why large parts of Thailand remained untouched by European colonials is that the King at the time was smart enough to play the English against the French to the point where neither took Thailand because they were more busy arguing about who should get it.
[] A black sea hare
[] Im trying to make you think about the meaning of what you are saying.
[] Yoooooooooooo

+17 Boing Karma.
[] just gonna cost you a arm and a leg
[] win the race on Sunday sell more cars the other 6 days.

It DOES work. That's why Dodge wants back in, but so far they have only gotten one or two owners to show interest, and apparently they are not willing to be a minor presence.
[] Fucking lost it.
[] I am IV + IV = IIX. Do you agree?
[] This one again? Man i should do a youtube tutorial on these :P
[] Well you didn't knww buzsfelg was wthill there, so thaos spmething I jfes.?
[] She'll just keep a plastered grin on her face and yell "woo!".
[] I think it's less conservative, more anti atheist circle jerk. It's gotten better in the last year or so but a lot of threads were pretty unnecessarily aggressive against religion for a while.
[] Upvoting comparing being black to being a pedophile should surprise me, but it still does. Pedophiles have the same right not to view illegal child pornography that the rest of us do. They don't have less rights than anyone else. None of us can or should legally be allowed to view/obtain/collect child porn in any way. What a ridiculous false equivalency that some actually agree with.
[] bring the blow dryer with you to save time.
[] I couldn't imagine the rage and rants you would hear if the kids today were using dial up...
[] I love that you say "fucking" but used "witch" as the primary insult. Very appropriate here.
[] Nice!
[] Well. They speak English well enough to make a native speaker think he is speaking to another native English speaker.