Hawaii A Growing Island

  • 8 years ago
Any time I walked around my store, or another store location while not working, people would approach me and ask me questions regardless of what I was wearing because "it looked like I knew where I was going"
[] You're the one that should feel stupid I'm afraid.
[] Haha I like the username :-D
[] of your jib I like the cut
[] Yeah, not having played much trivial pursuit myself, I always thought there was a genius edition after seeing this box. This thread just made everything click die me.
[] Tornados typically accompany hurricanes, not a big suprise.
[] He has a very good point
[] That is horrifying.
[] People think Brexit happened because of racism. This is what we're up against.
[] Dude, I'm high and I spent the better part of my train ride to dialysis staring at that sentence trying to make it read right in my head.
[] You're an evil genius..
[] Hello from Ireland.
is this what the media and education systems in your country tell you?

No, nor is it what I believe.
[] I love "an escargatoire of snails"
[] Texarkana, actually new Boston Tedford unit. My girlfriend is actually about to become a prison guard there.. didn't know people actually knew where that town was haha. We live about 30 min from there.
Only poor people and immigrants seem to smoke.

What the fuck
[] The more I look at this the more freaked out I get picturing myself in that situation.
[] I wouldn't say math any less creative than social sciences.
[] I see what you're saying man but there are other habits you can pick up that aren't going to affect your health and drain your bank account
[] I am sorry, but I think you are wrong

[] I don't think that would have been my reaction
[] Howard Pyle, American illustrator or Henry Darger, American folk artist/janitor.
[] What's a motto?

I don't know, what's a motto you?! Hahahahah
[] Very similar myself. $55k on graduation was a kings ransom. Grew up dirt poor. $250k a year now and punch myself with the kind of life my kids have compared to mine growing.
[] ok
