He Did The Right Thing Justrun

  • 8 years ago
I had a problem with chaplains when I was deployed to Iraq. My chaplain was sending basewide proselytizing emails supporting his version of fundamentalist Christianity and putting down atheism, other religions, and insufficiently fundamentalist versions of Christianity. They were disguised as devotionals, the commanders and higher enlisted loved them, and I wound up having to go to the IG over it. The emails stopped, but I don't have a high opinion of chaplains anywhere.
[] I'v had customers on two occasions call the post office asking for their mail in advance.
[] Yep, chomos get it the worst. In the federal prison system, they get so many benefits and stuff other inmates don't get, they get pampered even after prison and given houses and all kinds of stuff, I think the public would be outraged if they knew the extent their tax dollars go to for those guys, while drug offenders and the rest just get shafted.
[] After toasting the bread, do you put it in the bowl and before lading the soup in?
[] These are all true facts, and it is also important to state that women have the opportunity to do all of these things. They do have agency.
gun deaths.

Yeah, nice propaganda. "Gun deaths" exclude other homicides but generally include suicides.
[] The farther away from Earth we move and closer to another star we get we are more exposed to high energy particles.
[] The footloose fallen
[] How do you figure? The due process related clauses are the closest I can think of and they have absolutely no bearing on employment law, which is in a states own legal jurisdiction. Even if I was originally incorrect, saying the constitution protects employees from being fired makes absolutely no sense either
[] Read it in the Seattle Times recently. The physical paper. And Google's fucked at work right now, so I can't seem to track it down, but the article was in the last month, I believe, so you should be able to track it down if you're interested.
[] The country is importing thousanss of muslim immigrants and some of them are involved in sex trafficking of young girls. Police didnt pursue this because it was considered racist to do so. This is awful for the victims
That is real rape culture.
[] Wow!
[] Not a question but one of the dumbest interactions with a customer I've had recently...

Customer: I want to buy a pair of shoes for my son.

Me: Okay, what shoe size is he?

Customer: A normal size.

Me: Is there a number you know his size may be?

Customer: Just a normal number.


[] Cheryl?
[] Did we just invent a new food
[] 3:30 so I can start my weekend!
[] Yes. iirc He had the upper military hand (which was earned over many bloody years) and used the opportunity to sue for peace instead of trying to fight for a decisive victory.
[] i really hate vr. :/
[] That sucks and I honestly didn't know that. I see people talking about prime in the U.K. So I assumed it was mostly worldwide. Didn't mean to offend anyone as it seems I have.
[] uhhhh have you heard of The Crusades...?
[] All apologies /u/KeepingAndy but your post has been automatically removed because the artist has too many lastfm listeners. The maximum is 250,000, this artist has 344,559.

If you think this is in error, please contact the mods. If you're new to the subreddit, please read the full list of removal reasons.

Don't blame me, I'm just a bot.
[] If you go to a country, go move because you are interested in the culture and love the country. Move because you see in yourself a potential to grow and flourish in this country. Don't move to a country and get offended that things are much different than it was in your birth country, then act like a victim. I see this shit in Canada as well, this is coming from a 1st generation immigrant family.
[] Not really, no.
[] I think you're misunderstanding their point just a little. No reason to react so harshly. What they're saying is not to apologize for being born, but just for people who were placed in a beneficial position from birth to acknowledge that fact and work to level in the playing field.

Now, if you have less socialist leanings and a more "every man for himself" it's totally understandable that you would disagree with this attitude. But it's really a lot more harmless than you seem to think it is.
[] They want to test it during the show....

Because that's presumably when the most people will be watching the TV if a real emergency occurs. That way they can reach as many people as possible.

If you still don't understand then I don't know a clearer way to put it.
