• 9 years ago
A large part of that is because some people don't properly stimulate and exercise their indoor cats, so the cats eat out of boredom.
[] Piss off, dirtbag.
[] then you just call a taxi... and obviously after helping you out from such a situation you'd never steal the taxi instead of paying for your ride back to civilization, leaving the poor driver confused and alone in the middle of nowhere...
[] Working in a liquor store has provided me with many a great question.
But having it a joined to a supermarket it's a new environment.
One guy came in one afternoon "g'day mate, so is the beer cheaper in here or the supermarket?"
I just stared at him to see if he was joking and no. No he wasn't.
[] Do you use the "gif = graphical interface format so it's a hard g" argument? Using your logic, the g in gif can be pronounced hard or soft based on the acronym itself.
[] Some worms have a natural reflex, in which they will eject their tail when the tail is pulled. For example, when a bird catches the tail end of a worm, the worm would eject or sever its' tail from the rest of its' body. Thus, the worm remains alive and safe, while the bird gets only part of the worm.
[] Fred Flintstone.
[] My cousin is in a wheelchair, he has spina bifida and had to have his legs amputated at birth. I asked my aunt if I could take him out for a walk. Meaning a push in his wheelchair. She looked at me shocked and said 'he doesn't have any legs, he can't walk!!'
[] Came in here without looking, just to complain about the lack of Pluto... now I don't know what to do with my pitchfork. :-/
[] From what I've observed from the bushes the last couple of weeks; it's not that bad!
[] The scene in "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels" where Michael Caine is whipping Steve Martin across the shins. Pure comedy gold.
[] Doesn't make it them any less hideous though. Looks like something you'd put in a house built in 1990.
[] I worked at a dealership between semesters in college as a porter (moved cars, filled them with gas, and detailed them for delivery) and a woman asked me if the Toyota Prius was nuclear powered.
[] Will this be a big issue for future studies that are based on the original work and (suspected) falsified data? Surely that's adding another layer of crap on top of it, making everyone's job harder to unravel.

I'd be extremely worried if they did this with medicine studies because drugs released on shaky evidence and weight of research aren't going to be great for us.
[] At the time, Harry Potter books. 'Trendy' adults on the train, commuting to work. Reading children's books. At the time, this really narked me... (So, the films are OK, but it was just the 'look' I hated.)
[] American wood?

Don't want Chinese imported wood.
[] trying to cope with the depression of not being with a girl i really really liked while she was hooking up with other dude's
[] It really looks like an ancient cavern wall painting
[] Sadly women are most vulnerable to domestic violence when pregnant.
[] I'm going to continue drinking Maxwell House and there's literally nothing you can do to stop me.
[] No. Hololens covers about 40° FOV and is not buttery smooth. Much of what you see in demos is a major rig doing equivalent of post-processing and covering much more area than the goggles actually display. AR still has a LOT of work to be commercially feasible.

Now, no comment about Magic Leap AR as that has amazing word of mouth about it though that's limited by all the NDA around it.
[] Wait, what? Why?
[] No touching!
[] Commuting will kill your social life. It is worth it to dorm at college. You are paying thousands for the experience and connections, not the knowledge.
[] I met him after seeing his a play he was in on broadway and he was the nicest guy ever. He really took his time with everyone who waited to see him. This was well after Breaking Bad was over as well so he was already super famous. It makes me happy reading articles like these.


