MLP:FiM [S06E19] The Fault in Our Cutie Marks [Polish Gabi version]

  • 8 years ago
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03:15Oh yes! The Cutie Mark Crusaders!
03:17I can't believe it's really-really you!
03:30Know who you are?
03:31Know who you are?
03:33Why, I've heard about you from everypony in Ponyville.
03:36I'm so excited to meet you I could just explode.
03:39I'm Gabriella, but call me Gabby since we are friends now.
03:42Pleased to meetcha.
03:52I'm just about the most excited any griffon has ever been about anything!
03:59What for?
04:00What for?!
04:01Everypony in town tells me of your amazing assistance,
04:04how you help ponies find their place in the world!
04:10And that's why I'm here.
04:11I need help too.
04:12I want you to give me a cutie mark!
04:38Right? Right? Right?
04:40You're telling me!
04:41I don't know if you've heard, but griffons can be a little bit unfriendly.
04:47Most griffons don't pay much attention to each other and if they do,
04:50it's not, you know, a very good kind of attention.
04:52As for me, I'm just a little mail delivery griffon,
04:55who likes to spread a little bit of griffony sunshine on my rounds.
04:58Which always makes me feel different from the other griffons.
05:05I'd do anything for any old griffon in need.
05:10But it just always seemed that the harder I tried, the less I fit in.
05:14It wasn't until your friends came to Griffonstone,
05:16that I realized some creatures actually like helping each other,
05:20and I saw something awesomely awesome!
05:22How helping spreads from pony to pony and griffon to griffon.
05:27I knew then that I had to find out why I was so different from the others griffons
05:31and I knew the answer just had to have something to do with those wonderful,
05:34amazing marks on ponies' flanks.
05:37And I admit, I became maybe a little obsessed.
05:41So, first chance I had to deliver a letter from Gilda, I took it!
05:44so I could find the perfect pony to help me understand what those marks are.
05:48Everypony here told me one thing:
05:51I just had to see the Cutie Mark Crusaders!
05:53They've helped everypony here get their cutie marks,
05:56And I knew, I just knew that someday I'll have one too.
06:00A cutie mark of my very own.
06:04That's why I flew all the way here.
06:05I want to find my own place in the world.
06:07And I know you can help me by giving me a cutie mark
06:11So, let's make with the cutie!
06:14Whenever you're ready.
06:16Did it happen yet?
06:20How about now? How about now? How about now? How about now?
06:47I hadn't thought of that.
06:49Sounds like a challenge!
06:51And who could be up to it but the world-famous Cutie Mark Crusaders?
06:55Cutie marks! It's in your name and everything, right? Right?! Right?!
06:59Now I have to deliver Gilda's letter to Rainbow Dash.
07:01I bet by the time I get back, you'll have it one hundred percent figured out!
07:06Toodles for now!
07:09Gonna get my cutie mark!
08:52Hiya, you wonderful, wonderful Crusaders!
08:54I just know you've figured out how to help me because you're all so incredible!
09:10I'm getting a cutie mark!!!
09:23Cutie mark! Cutie mark!
09:25Gonna get my cutie mark!
09:33What do you think my mark will be?
09:35A lightning bolt?
09:36An erupting volcano?
09:37I don't care if it's a jar of marmalade!
09:39I know I'll love it, whatever it is!
10:00Is that all?
10:01You had me worried for a second!
10:03I mean, there's a first time for everything, right?
10:05And she didn't say it was impossible,
10:11Well, then if anypony can make it happen, it's you three.
10:14I mean, you haven't failed yet.
10:24It's gonna happen!
10:26I can feel it!
11:02All right. L-let's do this.
11:15Wow! I kinda wanna just try everything!
11:16I mean, I don't even know what to pick!
11:46A griffon mixes lion's strength
11:48With winged eagle's might
11:50When I finally find my purpose
11:52Then my cutie mark's in sight
11:54Crusaders, I won't let you down
11:56I've just begun to fight
11:58You're gonna help me find the purpose in my life
12:04Got a job that's just no fun?
12:06Call on me, I'll get it done!
12:09Cauldron's stuck and needs a mix?
12:11I'm the one who's got the fix!
12:13Help you teach pre-calculus,
12:15Scrub the floors, won't make a fuss.
12:17Clearing kelp? Just give a yelp.
12:19Raring to go, ready to help!
12:30I'll try anything to get my cutie mark.
12:33Keep up with me, Crusaders,
12:36We're just getting our start!
12:37Rock your little ones to sleep,
12:39While hanging up the sheets.
12:41I can help you with your heavy load,
12:43Walk Granny cross the street.
12:45I'll run you 'round the bases fast,
12:48It's really no big feat!
12:56Cheer you if you're feeling low,
12:58Plant your garden, make it grow!
13:00Write a piece for your quartet,
13:02Filling in on clarinet.
13:04Bake that cake as fast as lighning,
13:13Build a boat and
13:15Sail it out across the sea,
13:17Need some help
13:18You know that you can count on me.
13:21CMCs, you're gonna help me find my purpo-o-ose,
13:27The purpose in my li-i-ife!
13:33In my li-i-ife
14:04I did it all!
14:06Lay it on me, Crusaders!
14:08What's my purpose?!
14:09And how do we get a mark on these here haunches?!
14:19What are you saying?
14:33But, but!
14:33You're the world famous Cutie Mark Crusaders!
14:36I can't believe it!
14:37I I won't believe it!
15:12Then what do you call
15:29Oh, I don't know!
15:30Maybe it means my purpose is a
15:33helping Zecora with potions!
15:35That was the first thing I tried.
15:36I guess, it just took some time to appear!
15:39But here it is!
16:03But, you know,
16:04Rainbow Dash asked me to pick up her answer to Gilda's letter.
16:07I better take care of that before I forget.
16:09Here's an idea, uh,
16:11y-you head to the castle, and I'll meet you there,
16:13cutie mark and all!
17:38Sorry, no time to chat,
17:40I just got to help this pony get out of the muck
17:42and then I really gotta fly. Okay?
17:44Heave ho!
17:53Running away?
17:54Oh, I'm not running away,
17:56I'm just,
17:58excited to show my lovely new cutie mark
18:00to everyone in Griffonstone!
18:06Yup that's the one.
18:09I guess the one thing I'm really not good at is
18:12faking things.
18:20Sure I was disappointed,
18:22but I didn't do it to make myself feel better,
18:26I wanted to make you feel better!
18:30I couldn't bear you three thinking you failed
18:32after you tried so hard to help!
18:34That's why I had to leave before you or Twilight found out the truth.
18:39I'm sorry I wasn't honest with you.
18:42I'll just wing my way back to Griffonstone.
18:45Thanks for trying.
19:03I know you all tried your very best,
19:06but I guess griffons and cutie marks just don't mix.
19:10And maybe I don't even have a special purpose.
19:32I was really glad I helped you three feel happier!
19:41But helping just feels good
19:44I-it couldn't have anything to do with what I'm supposed to do with my life
20:21But they look just like yours!
20:24You can't mean-
20:50My very own cute-ceaara!
21:09I am so thankful!
21:11I'm gonna go home and to my very very best
21:14to bring Cutie Mark Crusader values to Griffonstone!
21:17I promise.
21:28Crusaders forever!
