How to remove VirLock Ransomware

  • 8 years ago

VirLock Ransomware is a ransomware infection that will lock all the files it finds on the computer once it enters it. Also, it will put a message on Desktop that will not allow users to access Desktop. The only way to gain access to the computer and files is to remove the ransomware infection from the system, so users should do that without consideration. If users let VirLock Ransomware stay, it will encrypt new files again and will not allow them to use the computer normally.

Ransomware infections encrypt files and lock computers because they seek to steal money from users. Unlike other ransomware infections, VirLock Ransomware does not ask users to pay a “ransom”. Instead, it says that they have to pay the fee of 250 USD for keeping pirated software on the computer. The message put on Desktop also contains logos of law enforcement agencies, which explains why so many users are scared and make a payment. Do not be one of them and hurry to delete VirLock Ransomware because it is nothing more than a computer infection. Once you are done with it, try using a free file recovery tool, or simply recover your files from a backup.

Uninstall VirLock Ransomware as soon as possible because it might encrypt all new files again. Watch this video to find out how to do that because it is not an easy process.

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