Remove JohnyCryptor Ransomware manually from PC

  • 8 years ago

JohnyCryptor Ransomware might sneak onto computers if users often open spam email attachments, tend to download software from various file-sharing sites, and do not have a security tool installed. The main symptom that the ransomware has entered the system is the message on the screen and the inability to access all kinds of files, except those that are located in the %WINDIR% (Windows) directory.

If you read the message you see on your Desktop, you will notice that you need to contact cyber criminals to find out how to unlock files. It is not worth writing an email if you are not going to pay a ransom. Yes, JohnyCryptor Ransomware will ask you to transfer an exact sum of money for unlocking files. Actually, it is not worth doing that because cyber criminals might steal your money and do not do anything in return. Besides, other ways to recover files exist, e.g. you can use a free decryptor or recover files from a backup.

Before you try recovering your files, delete JohnyCryptor Ransomware fully. It is an extremely difficult process, so we suggest that you watch this video and only then go for the removal of this ransomware.

Related searches: remove JohnyCryptor Ransomware, delete JohnyCryptor Ransomware, JohnyCryptor Ransomware removal, JohnyCryptor Ransomware deletion, JohnyCryptor Ransomware removal guide, JohnyCryptor Ransomware removal instructions, manual removal instructions, remove ransomware, delete malware, Windows.
