Delete Apocalypse Ransomware manually

  • 8 years ago

Apocalypse Ransomware is a newly released ransomware infection targeted at almost all files stored on the computer. Even though it does not touch files stored in the Windows folder and those that have such extensions as .sys, .dll, .bat, .ini, .tmp, and others, you will still notice that almost all your personal files are locked and contain the new filename extension .encrypted if this threat really finds a way to your system.

Ransomware infections seek to make users pay money, which is why they encrypt files. In the case of Apocalypse Ransomware, it will not ask to pay a ransom immediately. Instead, users will find a screen-locking message saying that they have to contact cyber criminals by the provided email address. If you write an email, you will, undoubtedly, be asked to transfer the money. You should not do that even though you desperately need your files back because there is a way to decrypt them free of charge. Simply download the free decryptor from the web or recover files from a backup you have made before the entrance of Apocalypse Ransomware.

As Apocalypse Ransomware blocks system utilities and locks Desktop, it will not be easy to remove it manually. Therefore, we suggest watching this video to learn how to do that.

Related Searches: remove Apocalypse Ransomware, delete Apocalypse Ransomware, uninstall Apocalypse Ransomware, Apocalypse Ransomware removal, Apocalypse Ransomware deletion, Apocalypse Ransomware removal guide, Apocalypse Ransomware removal instructions, remove Apocalypse Ransomware manually, ransomware, malicious software, infection, Windows.
