"No Justice No Peace" - 22.09.07 - Berlin

  • 16 years ago
"No Justice No Peace" - 22.09.07 - Berlin

[PART 1/4]

Following a period of relative and alleged calmness, during the last months three searches throughout Northern Germany and the entire country resp. based on § 129 a Criminal Law (constitution of a terrorist organisation) against left-wing activists and structures have taken place.
On May 9th 2007, 40 objects and in total 18 suspects and so-called “witnesses” were affected by a search wave in the context of mobilisation against the G8 summit in Heiligendamm. According to the federal prosecution, they are supposed to have constituted a terrorist organisation to the end of implementing a militant campaign against the G8 summit. Four weeks later, on June 13th, another search action based on §129a against persons from Bad Oldesloe, Hamburg and Berlin took place. The suspects are charged with participation in anti-militarist attacks. Finally, on July 31st four persons have been arrested in Berlin because of alleged membership in the “mg” (militant group). Merely one suspect’s warrant of arrest has at least temporarily been overruled, not least due to great public pressure. The remaining three persons are still in the clink, exposed to special conditions of custody.

„We have shot into the bush, and now we’ll see what or who is moving there” (Quotation of an investigator regarding the searches of May 9th, 2007)

infos at: http://antirepressionskampagnehamburg.blogsport.de/aufruf-zur-demo-am-1512/#en

