Köpi bleibt risikokapital! - 05.05.07 - Berlin

  • 17 years ago
"Köpi bleibt risikokapital!" demo - 05.05.07 - Berlin

and now? we will stay!

since 17 years the Köpi is a place to live, to party and to work to renovate it. there is a cinema and screenprint workshop, a gym and several bar-, concert- and partyrooms, all run umcommercially.
koepi never got and never wanted any money from official sides.
if the new owner thinks he could build a huge commercial project and displace the residents, then he is terribly wrong and forgets about thousands of supporters.

Whoever considers himself to be the new owner of Köpi: Our house was, is, and will be unsalable! Watch out for further activities or get active yourself!

more infos: http://koepi.squat.net/

