High Octane Vinyasa Flow

  • 8 years ago
Here is an energizing vinyasa flow that you can repeat, work the opposite side, or add poses to create a longer sequence. Why are high octane flows so popular and fun? These types of sequences raise your energy level and make you feel great. Additionally, vinyasa is much like a dance and that is why so many practitioners love it.

How to Create a Yoga Posture Sequence

Transitioning from doing a few yoga exercises to having a fully-fledged posture sequence is a big step for most new and upcoming yoga enthusiasts. The work of making sure that the flow moves smoothly from one to the next is indeed heavy, but it is actually quite easy to create an effective sequence. It is a simple process of time, dedication and observation.

First Things First

The most critical step in beginning a yoga posture sequence is to understand that a correct, comfortable and flowing pose is the cornerstone of all yoga. Every sequence is nothing more than that comfortable, satisfying stretch that extends into more comfort and satisfaction. What this means is that the first step in creating a sequence is to understand the stretches themselves independently and confidently. A low lunge is simple in and of itself, but finding ways to incorporate a low lunge into a sequence is where the concept gets a little trickier.

Branching Out

With a working understanding of a few poses, as well as when to inhale and exhale during them, the next step is to branch out after the stretch is finished. There are countless different yoga routines available from a variety of different coaches and teachers, but developing a sequence alone is as simple as learning to transition from one pose to another. For example, moving from warrior 1 to warrior 2 is a transition, and moving from warrior 2 to any other pose would have its own unique feeling and potential challenges. After learning to transition in many different ways, the most important skill has already been developed.


The final product of learning to transition from pose to pose is the ability to create sequences. This eventually leads to a comfortable grasp of countless transitions, and the ability to remember and perform a variety of different transitions naturally opens the doors to longer, more sophisticated posture sequences. The entire process is truly as simple as gaining confidence over poses, learning to transition between them and constantly developing the skill over time until it is easy to fill an hour session.

Website: http://www.aurawellnesscenter.com

Music Source : AudioBlocks