
  • 8 years ago
In this lecture Dr. Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500 speak to you about goal setting. Setting a positive intention and staying on track through emotional ups and downs.

How many of us make New Year’s resolution and then choose to forget about it soon. Well, some stick to it, but most do not! We don’t quite take resolutions very seriously. But, if you understood the power of resolutions, you will never again want to forget them. And this is what Dr. Paul Jerard is going to explain in the video. In this video, Dr. Paul Jerard stresses the importance of “Sankalpa” or “Resolution” in our day-to-day lives.

Sankalpa in Sanskrit or Resolution in English is something that you can set anytime. It does not have to be a new year’s day to be able to set a sankalpa or make a resolution. As you watch the video, you will realize that the most important point is your mental intention, your willingness to change for the better, and what wonders a positive mindset can create when dealing with not-so-easy situations in life.

When you will a positive change in your life, the change takes place gradually on a by step-by-step basis. As you live your life, you come across sunny days and then you have the rainy days. To balance yourself in all walks of life, you need strength. It is your yoga practice that will make you strong and will give you that much needed inner strength.

Now you could choose any form of yoga practise; it could be mantra, asanas, prayers, pranayama, or meditation. Here, Dr. Jerard emphasises that any path or any form of practice you choose, it is important that you make a positive affirmation or make some sort of a positive setting in your mind Every Day.

Dr. Jerard explains this with the help of an example. He explains that you could practise a mantra, a prayer, or a positive affirmation, or anything of your choice, you could recite them or write them down. At times when you write down things, they actually happen! If you thought it was magic, well, it’s not. The only magic here is the magic of the power of your mind. This is because when you write things down, you are not merely writing them, you are actually focussing on them. It is your ability to envision things and your ability to focus or concentrate on things is what really makes them happen. The greatest inventions in the world happened because they were envisioned or conceptualised in mind by someone.

So it is really your power of mind, your thought, and your willingness to stick to that thought or your sankalpa is something that is going to make things happen. So, follow your Sankalpa, and think positive, always!
