• 8 years ago
National Theatre in Belgrade (Serbia) -
Text: Jovan Sterija Popović
Director: Andras Urban

There are several reasons why this staging of The Patriots is significant. To begin with, for the first time since the World War II, the most important piece by Jovan Sterija Popović is being staged. The second reason is that the director of this extremely important staging for the National Theatre is Andras Urban who brought a new approach into the work of the ensemble. The actors have recognized the quality of the director and wholeheartedly support him. The actors’ faith in the project turned into immense positive energy that spilled over into the audience, and this is the third reason why this play is significant. And, what have we seen in this play? We saw a hard, direct and powerful examination of theatrical boundaries between patriots and true patriots – our society has been continuously engaged in this question for more than thirty years. The director Andras Urban uses epic composition and introduces songs in order to ideologically sharpen this play; thus, he points out the mechanisms of (mis)use of national feelings for personal enrichment of individuals. These mechanisms have remained the same from Sterija’s days until today. The end of the play - the scene when the patriots - dressed in Serbian folk costumes, draped in fur coats and speaking in corrupt Belgrade slang – recite the last sentences of the drama will be permanently inscribed in the minds of the audience. These are our, modern patriots and it is the fourth reason why this play is significant. It is, therefore, not surprising that this play enjoys consensus of theater critics and audiences alike. All this and more recommends The Patriots to open this year's Sterijino pozorje Festival.