• 9 years ago
The bigger a fat cell is, the further it has to stretch to grab an oxygen molecule as it floats by, being short of oxygen, is unpleasant, maybe even inflammatory


Here is a recap of this video

00:31 Being short of breath makes running difficult

01:09 Fat cells in the obese

02:21 Catching fat cells breathing

03:33 “Borrowing” fat cells

04:00 Fat cells are breathless in the obese

04:23 Digging into the reason for oxygen shortages

05:02 Fat cells calling out for help

05:30 Toxic tears because they can’t breathe

06:05 Can you help your fat cells ?

06:27 Glitazones grow blood vessels

07:26 VEGF to the rescue

08:14 Shrink the fat cells

09:27 Sending more oxygen through

10:13 Scientific reference

Enjoy !

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Dr Sandy Evans
Scientist turned gremlin buster, helping your create BETTER BODY CHEMISTRY
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