• 10 years ago
You should only step on a scale on a Friday

If you’re typical, then your weight fluctuates during the week, you will be heaviest after the weekend and lightest on Friday. Use this info to your advantage.

Here is a recap of this video

01:19 There is a pattern to weight fluctuations
02:47 Weighing in
03:24 The weight cycle
03:00 Weight gainers a blur
04:22 You must win on weekdays
04:53 Psychological warfare not enough
06:09 Scientific reference

Enjoy !

Leave your questions or comments below
Dr Sandy Evans
Scientist turned gremlin buster, helping your create BETTER BODY CHEMISTRY
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Enjoyed this video ?

Then you may enjoy this one – it looks at how eating “the same” brand of pizza, helps you avoid packing on the pounds
http://www.betterbodychemistry.com/obesity/eat-pizza/ ‎
