• 9 years ago
Cures Liver, Pancreas, Spline problems - Yoga Health Fitness.Hala means plow. Body looks like a plow while practicing Hala Asana. This posture is like an extension to Sarvangasana. Benefits of Halasana pose are numerous like sarnangasana. Halasana or Plow Pose can be practiced normally upto 30-seconds. In the beginning, the practitioner should hold the pose till he/she feels comfortable, dont try to overdo it.
Benefits:- [1] Benefits of halasana pose are numerous like sarvangasana. Muscles and ligaments of thighs and calves are stretched and relaxed, which results greater legs flexibility. Legs cramps are relaxed with it. [2] Makes the spinal cord flexible and strong. Muscles of back also get stronger. [3] Cures the problems of thyroid gland which leads to complete health to prevent obesity and harmonal diseases. [4] Helpful in gastric and constipation problems. Cures Liver, Pancreas, Spline problems.

The asana keeps the entire spine supple and youthful, and stretches the whole body.

It slims the abdomen, hips, and legs.

It activates the circulation, nourishing the roots of the spinal nerves, the facial tissues, and the scalp.
It aids digestion and bowel action.
It is held to be excellent for the endocrine glands, the liver, the spleen, and the reproductive organs, and to correct menstrual disorders.

The posture is not suitable for persons with weak vertebrae.
