• 9 years ago
A menstrual disorder is an irregular condition in a woman’s menstrual cycle, causing pain, unusually heavy or light bleeding, or missed periods.

Typically, a menstrual cycle is about 28 days every month. But numerous things can go wrong with the normal menstrual cycle as a result of physical causes or emotional cause. The physical cause may include as hormone imbalances, genetic factors, clotting disorders, and pelvic diseases. These result in problems like amenorrhea or the cessation of menstruation, menorrhagia or heavy bleeding and dysmenorrhoea or severe menstrual cramps.
During menstruation- Avoiding inverted yoga poses. Performing inverted yoga poses or twisting poses during menstruation could disrupt the flow of the blood, causing more pain and discomfort. Various breathing techniques should be used which will improve blood circulation and ease the flow of blood during menstruation. This also helps you soothe any pain that you experience in your body due to the menstruation. To enhance uninterrupted down flow during menstruation and prevent dysmenorrhoea bending forward in badh konasana, Upavista Konasana, pasasana, yoga mudrasana and sitting in vajra asana are helpful. All of them need to be performed with awareness and deep breathing. Practice Malasana (Garland Pose) for menstrual cramps and Suptabada Konasana (Reclining Bound Angle Pose), which is not only great for relieving menstrual pain but also improves fertility and helps to treat urinary tract infections. To relax irritated muscles and nerves, try supported variations of Supta Virasana, Supta Baddha Konasana. Surya mudra (Gesture of the Sun) this is one of the best yoga poses for delayed menstrual cycle.
