• 9 years ago
Diabetes is caused when the body produces little or no insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is produced by the organ known as the pancreas and is used to regulate the sugar in the bloodstream. In the case of someone having diabetes, the blood sugar does not get absorbed inside cells due to a lack of insulin and as a result, this causes a number of problems. There are two main types of diabetes, Type 1 or diabetes mellitus and type 2 diabetes. In case of a type 1 sufferer, the organ pancreas is completely unable to make insulin. Some evidence have suggested that this may be caused, in part, by a viral infection. In type 2, the problem occurs when there is not enough insulin made by the pancreas and whatever is made is soaked up in fat cells. Type 1 diabetes usually has its onset with young people under the age of 30 while type 2 diabetes, sometimes referred to as adult onset diabetes, usually occurs in people over 30 years.
