• 9 years ago
Surya Chandra Bhastrika Pranayam helps in storing positive energy within the body and remove negativity.

1)Bhastrika Pranayama relieves inflammation of the throat, increases gastric fire, destroys phlegm, removes diseases of the nose and chest and eradicates asthma, consumption, etc.
2) Bhastrika Pranayama gives good appetite.
3) Bhastrika Pranayama removes all diseases which arise from excess of wind, bile and phlegm.
4) Yogic importance: Bhastrika Pranayama breaks the three Granthis or knots viz., Brahma Granthi, Vishnu Granthi and Rudra Granthi. It enables a fellow to know the Kundalini.
5) Bhastrika Pranayama purifies the Nadis considerably. It is the most beneficial of all Kumbhakas.
