The most important part of yoga practice is the ability to breathe deeply and fully. Proper breathing is vital to our health, mental focus and sense of calm.
Pranayama develops the lungs and those who practise it will have a powerful, sweet, melodious voice. The body becomes lean, strong and healthy. Excretions become scanty and the appetite becomes keen. The digestive fire is augmented. There is lustre on the face and the eyes sparkle like diamonds. The practitioner becomes very handsome. The student becomes so perfect in brahmacharya, sensual restraint, that his mind will not be shaken even if a celestial maiden tries to embrace him. The student is free from all sorts of diseases. The nadis, flows of energy, are purified.
Steady practice arouses inner spiritual light, happiness and peace of mind. It is impossible to extol the wonderful effects of pranayama adequately. It is the magic wand for attaining perfection in all spheres of life.
Pranayama develops the lungs and those who practise it will have a powerful, sweet, melodious voice. The body becomes lean, strong and healthy. Excretions become scanty and the appetite becomes keen. The digestive fire is augmented. There is lustre on the face and the eyes sparkle like diamonds. The practitioner becomes very handsome. The student becomes so perfect in brahmacharya, sensual restraint, that his mind will not be shaken even if a celestial maiden tries to embrace him. The student is free from all sorts of diseases. The nadis, flows of energy, are purified.
Steady practice arouses inner spiritual light, happiness and peace of mind. It is impossible to extol the wonderful effects of pranayama adequately. It is the magic wand for attaining perfection in all spheres of life.