Bhastrika Pranayama, also known as Bellows Breath, is a heating breathing practice that mimics fanning a fire with a steady flow of air. Bastrika is a Sanskrit word meaning 'bellows,' and it describes the active filling and emptying of the abdomen and lungs during this practice. Bhastrika pranayama stokes the inner fire of the mind and body, supporting proper digestion on all levels. It is generally balancing for kapha and vata, but should be practiced in moderation (and more gently) if pitta is aggravated.
Benefits of Bhastrika Pranayama:
• Balances excess vata, pitta (when practiced gently), and kapha
• Burns ama (toxins)
• Cleanses and rejuvenates the lungs
• Increases lung capacity
• Tones the muscles of the heart, bronchial tree, diaphragm, and abdomen
• Helps to strengthen the heart and lungs
• Infuses the blood with oxygen
• Facilitates the proper removal of carbon dioxide from the blood and tissues
• Kindles agni (the digestive fire), and tones the digestive system as a whole
• Cleanses and invigorates the liver, pancreas, and spleen
• Alleviates allergies and asthma
• Cleanses the nasal passages, sinuses and chest of excess mucus
• Improves circulation
• Supports proper elimination
• Balances and strengthens the nervous system
• Induces a sense of peace, tranquility, and focus
• Promotes vigor and vitality in the mind and body
Benefits of Bhastrika Pranayama:
• Balances excess vata, pitta (when practiced gently), and kapha
• Burns ama (toxins)
• Cleanses and rejuvenates the lungs
• Increases lung capacity
• Tones the muscles of the heart, bronchial tree, diaphragm, and abdomen
• Helps to strengthen the heart and lungs
• Infuses the blood with oxygen
• Facilitates the proper removal of carbon dioxide from the blood and tissues
• Kindles agni (the digestive fire), and tones the digestive system as a whole
• Cleanses and invigorates the liver, pancreas, and spleen
• Alleviates allergies and asthma
• Cleanses the nasal passages, sinuses and chest of excess mucus
• Improves circulation
• Supports proper elimination
• Balances and strengthens the nervous system
• Induces a sense of peace, tranquility, and focus
• Promotes vigor and vitality in the mind and body