Dhanurasana or the bow pose in Yoga is good for the digestive system. It is also good for asthma and other respiratory problems. Dhanurasana
or bow pose, actually looks a lot like an archer bow when your are in full pose. We are not quite certain where the arrow would go, but we can use our imagination. This is a pose best done after a little warm-up with other poses, and it may be difficult for beginners. Bhujangasana, or cobra pose, is a nice pose to start building up the strength required in bow.
Benefits: Since Dhanurasana is the combination of Bhujangasana and Shalabhasana the benefits of both these Asanas are derived by Dhanurasana.The fat in the body specially around the waist is dispersed and hence the waist is trimmed to proper shape. This asana removes constipation and increases Jatharagni (the digestive fire). You can get rid of Arthritis by regular practice of Dhanurasana.
or bow pose, actually looks a lot like an archer bow when your are in full pose. We are not quite certain where the arrow would go, but we can use our imagination. This is a pose best done after a little warm-up with other poses, and it may be difficult for beginners. Bhujangasana, or cobra pose, is a nice pose to start building up the strength required in bow.
Benefits: Since Dhanurasana is the combination of Bhujangasana and Shalabhasana the benefits of both these Asanas are derived by Dhanurasana.The fat in the body specially around the waist is dispersed and hence the waist is trimmed to proper shape. This asana removes constipation and increases Jatharagni (the digestive fire). You can get rid of Arthritis by regular practice of Dhanurasana.