'Joe's Mom' is Right:globalEyeNews Biden Video Report

  • 17 years ago
globalEyeNews Joe Biden Video Report:'Joe's Mom' is Right

Somehow, the more you listen to Joe Biden, the more stuff he seems to know on every issue that is of urgent concern to America. He is funny, respectfully irreverent, at times appears impatiently, yet, playfully disdainful of a forum process that incites the platitudes of double-talk. He has certainly proven himself to be the expert when it comes to foreign policy and, perhaps, even more importantly, critical bipartisan policy agenda.
Calling himself "the odd man out", one has to wonder where American political consciousness abides when, having shined with clarity on the issues during the debate process, Biden has curried such disproportionate attention and funding, especially considering how often the other Dem candidates have deferred to his expertise and points of view.
Taking the profiles of both party front-runners to task, one needs to ask, has America become so obsessively celebrity driven that it is virtually incapable of engaging its intellect and survival instincts? Is mainstream media so intent on safely spoon feeding America with what it thinks they are mindlessly desperate to consume? If so, let's elect Brittany and be done with it.
