• 9 years ago
Originally here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpGBXFJ4KOo

Exploring the nwos esoteric concept of time through lucistrust.org... VIEWER DESCRETION ADVISED


The nwo concept of time... lucistrust.org telling us it's "time to rethink time" .. about programming humanity toward a new synthesis of Science with Occult Philosophy. None of this is what I believe! - but hopefully you'll be able to see through their esoteric propaganda before they externalize it for the nwo by 'giving it a scientific basis'...

Illuminati Card Game: Science-Fiction Fans , Time Warp ... the nwos world of "space time energy and matter".. ie. the spirit world as perceived through occult metaphysics etc .. the backwards / fractured clock .. 3-6-9, the supposed key to understanding the Universe .. the Egyptian ankh or Celtic cross? of false eternal life / evolution etc

22:19 Illuminati Card Game: Immortality (evolution) Serum ?

22:31 Illuminati Card Game: Secrets Man was Not Meant to Know (..Electric Universe) and other thoughts...

Quote (Illuminati card game: Time Warp)..The concrete, scientific mind is now contacting the abstract realms of thought, but is in need of the guiding light of the intuition to reveal a simplified, more synthetic view of the universe as an organism with a set and stable form and constitution.." ~ The Electric Bridge, Lucis Trust

"Alice Bailey tells us: Time and Space are but states of consciousness.." ~ The Electric Bridge, Lucis Trust

- Keep telling you guys, the electric universe "Science" is really a satanic deception... Pre-emptive Survivor Kitty.. Pre
