'South Today' (post early evening news), New Year's Eve 1996

  • il y a 9 ans
Following the early evening news with Paul Burden and the weather from Michael Fish, Steve Humphrey presents 'South Today' on 31 December 1996. Includes a review of the sporting year in the south.

Over the Christmas period that year, bulletins came from Studio B whilst Studio A was set and lit for a new look to 'South Today' from early January. During this transition, visual continuity of the house style was maintained by using a still of a wide shot of the outgoing set, into which the presenter was inserted electronically. Studio B is significantly smaller than A, so some digital 'shrinking' of the shot of the presenter was also necessary to achieve the illusion, which was generally successful. A trail for the new look programme follows the bulletin.

© BBC South 1996
This material is uploaded for research and reference purposes and no violation of copyright is intended.

