• 9 yıl önce
Fox News Sunday: Chris Wallace sits down with GOP Presidential Candidate Donald Trump for a 1-on-1 interview. Donald Trump "I’m not blaming George Bush. But I don’t want Jeb Bush to say my brother kept us safe..9/11 was one of the worst Trump on 9/11 "We lost 3,000 people, it was one of the greatest – probably the greatest catastrophe ever in this country" Donald Trump says that his immigration policies would have prevented the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks from taking place. “I’m so tough on illegal immigration, 9/11 wouldn’t have happened if I was president,” Trump said on “Fox News Sunday.” Donald Trump sat down with Chris Wallace on Fox New Sunday for a “huuuuuuuge” two-part interview. Not too long after, Wallace discussed the New York real estate mogul’s talking points (or lack thereof) with Washington Post opinion writer Charles Lane. His thoughts? “None of it made sense.” That’s one of the larger conclusions you can draw about the interview, especially since Trump didn’t adequately answer most of Wallace’s questions. Instead, he refused to give specific answers and emphasized his desire to remain “unpredictable” during the campaign. “Let’s do a lightening round. Quick questions, quick answers,” said Wallace. “Would you be willing to use the debt limit and risk the possibility of the country going into default to get more spending cuts?” “I would use the debt limit… I don’t want to say… I want to be unpredictable because we need unpredictability,” Trump rambled. “Everything is so predictable with our county.”The Republican front-runner has made criticisms of former President George W. Bush, brother of primary opponent Jeb Bush, a central part of his campaign strategy. “I’m not blaming George Bush,” Trump said. “But I don’t want Jeb to say 'my brother kept us safe.' ” “We lost 3,000 people, it as one of the greatest – probably the greatest catastrophe ever in this country,” Trump said.Fox News Sunday ‏ Donald Trump I’m not blaming anybody. But the World Trade Center came down. So when @JebBush said, we were safe, that’s not safe. #FNS Trump: "Eminent domain is something you need." Trump says he wants businesses to stay in the United States. "I don't want them to go to Mexico." Donald Trump "I’m cutting spending. But I may cut Department of Education. I believe common core is a very bad thing" DonaldTrump "We’re going to be cutting tremendous amounts of money and waste and fraud and abuse." es
Fox News Sunday ‏Trump "The estate tax has been a disaster. First of all it’s double taxation, some people could even say it’s triple taxation." Trump: "There’s gridlock in Washington because there’s no leadership." Trump "Planned Parenthood should absolutely be defunded"Trump on the debt limit: "I want to be unpredictable, because, you know, we need unpredictability." Trump We have tremendous discontent in the country. #FNS
for more from fox news sunday hit them up at https://twitter.com/FoxNewsSunday http://foxnewssunday.com/ folliow, watch videos show them support In a wide-ranging interview with Chris Wallace on Fox News, GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump claimed that the attack on 9/11 might never have happened had he been president at the time.
After touching on multiple subjects including trade, loss of jobs, and scaling back government, Wallace asked Trump about his comments earlier in the week when he said, “the World Trade Center came down during [former president Bush’s] reign.”
Trump’s comment drew the ire of Jeb Bush — brother of the ex-president George W. Bush — who called his comment “pathetic,” adding that his brother “kept America safe” after the attack.
Trump took issue with Bush’s comments, saying, “Look, look, Jeb said we were safe with my brother. We we were safe. Well, the World Trade Center just fell down.”


