Truth About Minhaj ul Quran sweden

  • 9 years ago
As I promised I will tell a bit story about Minhaj ul Quran Sweden and tell people around the world what is going on on the name of Islam and Islamic organizations, how people threatening others and using abusive language , those who claim themselves so religious front of others and how program was arranged when Dr Tahir ul Qadri sahib was here . And also I post chat and language he use the so called president of MQI Sweden in comments so you can see what they choose !
And I also say very openly if anything in video I have lie or say wrong so anyone from MQI Sweden is free to contact me and tell me I say wrong but if all this is truth then think about your behaviors and MQI must think what they select !

If you agree share it !
And please no bad language about anyone in comments I request !
