'March' ado about nothing

  • 9 years ago
Claims that a massive rally in support of PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim would be held, turned to be just that when only a handful of people turned up at the Jalan Duta court complex for his second sodomy charge in 10 years.

Yesterday, PKR Youth chief Shamsul Iskandar said the movement was trying to gather 5,000 to march to the court complex to protest against the charge which they say is trumped up.

This morning, fewer than 100 supporters - most of them wearing black - were seen at the court complex where they briefly chanted 'Long live Anwar' and 'Reformasi' under the watch of a similar number of police personnel.

Even the police did not buy the mass-rally claim and did not bother with the obligatory roadblocks leading towards the court complex, in sharp contrast to the first few times that Anwar was brought there last year which saw hundreds of PKR supporters gathering.

Full story here.
