DCS World Aerial Acrobatics: Testing Out Diveplane's Unofficial Sound Mod Collection

  • 9 years ago
On Sunday, July 19th, 2015, I tested out a sound mod collection for my adorable pixel F-51 Mustang sim plane. I performed some acrobatics, while I listened to the mods.

I am using the Skulleader Cockpit V1.7 mod for the P-51 Mustang

-Before performing low level acrobatics with the Mustang, first make sure that there is no fuel in the rear fuel tank or else the Mustang is likely to abruptly get out from under you and crash into the ground.

-In the video, I think I have my pitch set for 2600 RPM and my Manifold Pressure is around 45 in hg. In the future, when I climb out, from the ground to say ten thousand meters, I will set my pitch for 2700 RPM and adjust my throttle to maintain around 46 in. hg and I will try to maintain a IAS of 170 mph for my climb out. I will only set my Pitch to 3000 RPM if taking off, landing or dogfighting. I will also only increase my Manifold Pressure to 61 in hg when taking off or dogfighting, now.

For cooling the Mustang, I am going to leave the Carburetor Ram Air set to ram air and I will leave the Carburetor hot air set to normal. I will set my oil radiator flap switch to manual and my coolant radiator flap switch to manual. The automated setting for these radiator flaps does not do a great job of keeping the Mustang cool enough, especially during sustained climb outs or during dogfights. I haven't experienced problems with over cooling and although it may add some parasitic drag, I don't notice any problems. if I must, I can manually shut the flaps, if I need to convert a little more speed into stored potential energy. (altitude)

That my machine is so much slower than my opponent's machine means that I typically do not have a reliable means of competing on the basis of relative speed or climb rate, since speed can be converted into stored potential energy, altitude and the Mig enjoys a significant advantage in speed, Ceteris paribus. My main method of closing in on afaster moving Mig depends on the other aspect of velocity, that is direction.

I seek to close on a Mig by electing to point my Mustang in such a direction that I arrive at a point in space where I anticipate the Mig will be in the future by means of a significantly shorter path of travel, relative to the path of travel the Mig is on. I try to ensure that my Mustang is always getting to where the Mig is going by means of short cuts or I try to force the Mig to travel a much greater distance in order to get where we are headed. I shoot at the Mig, the Mig pilot evades my fire, rolling or zig zagging, forcing the Mig pilot to travel a far greater distance to get to the same future end point than if he or she just went in a straight line, etc..

If my mig opponent climbs over me, I am fish in a barrel. The one with the altitude advantage and speed advantage dictates the terms of the fight, when it begins, in what manner, for how long, when it ends, assuming the Mig driver has sufficient fuel, ammo, and doesn't get bounced, shot down, etc.
