Creating a Google account and a business page , Google+ user interface
1.Creating a Google account and a business page
we first need to open up a web browser such as Google Chrome and navigate to From here we're prompted to log into a Google account. we first need to log in with an individual Google account.. If you don't already have an account, you can click on the blue Create-An-Account link at the bottom of this page and go through the proccess of creating a regular individual Google account.
If you do already have a Google account however, you can just log in on this screen,
To do that, I'm going to navigate to the left side of my screen and mouse over the home link. On the drop down menu that appears I'm going to click on the link towards the bottom that's titled pages. On this page we have the option to get our page for our business here on Google Plus. So I'm going to click on the blue Get-Your-Page link to start setting up our business page. Now the first option that we have, is to choose our business type.
2.A tour of the Google+ user interface
Now that we've created a page on Google+ let's go ahead and take a look at the Google+ user interface so that we can become more comfortable with where everything is located in Google+. Right now we're in the My Business section of Google+, and this is the area that you're taken to right after creating your business page here in Google+. This is where you can see all of the inside information about your business on Google+. We can edit our contact information at the top of the screen. We could share a new post from here. We can manage our Google+ Ads, take a look at our Google+ Insights, which show us who is viewing our profile, if people are liking our posts.
Communities is where we can join communities on Google+ of people that share similar interests. So you can see that when we first click on Communities, we have a number of categories over here on the left for the different types of communities, and then as we scroll down the page, we have some recommended communities for us. So, once you get your page set up, and you have all of your contact information in there, I think it's a great idea to start exploring some of these communities and try and find ones that are related to your business, so you can start interacting with people that might be interested in the products and services that you offer.
1.Creating a Google account and a business page
we first need to open up a web browser such as Google Chrome and navigate to From here we're prompted to log into a Google account. we first need to log in with an individual Google account.. If you don't already have an account, you can click on the blue Create-An-Account link at the bottom of this page and go through the proccess of creating a regular individual Google account.
If you do already have a Google account however, you can just log in on this screen,
To do that, I'm going to navigate to the left side of my screen and mouse over the home link. On the drop down menu that appears I'm going to click on the link towards the bottom that's titled pages. On this page we have the option to get our page for our business here on Google Plus. So I'm going to click on the blue Get-Your-Page link to start setting up our business page. Now the first option that we have, is to choose our business type.
2.A tour of the Google+ user interface
Now that we've created a page on Google+ let's go ahead and take a look at the Google+ user interface so that we can become more comfortable with where everything is located in Google+. Right now we're in the My Business section of Google+, and this is the area that you're taken to right after creating your business page here in Google+. This is where you can see all of the inside information about your business on Google+. We can edit our contact information at the top of the screen. We could share a new post from here. We can manage our Google+ Ads, take a look at our Google+ Insights, which show us who is viewing our profile, if people are liking our posts.
Communities is where we can join communities on Google+ of people that share similar interests. So you can see that when we first click on Communities, we have a number of categories over here on the left for the different types of communities, and then as we scroll down the page, we have some recommended communities for us. So, once you get your page set up, and you have all of your contact information in there, I think it's a great idea to start exploring some of these communities and try and find ones that are related to your business, so you can start interacting with people that might be interested in the products and services that you offer.