• 10 years ago
Create Pinterest Account : Logo : Pinnable images , Profile Picture
Presentation : Why has Pinterest become so popular? Is it that the ease of organizing the content you find online? Is it because it makes it easy to connect with people with similar interests? Those reasons both factor into its popularity, but the main reason Pinterest has become so popular is the pictures. Science has proven that our brains process images in a completely different way than we process text. The information is processed quicker and at a deeper level. It is much easier to develop an emotional connection to images than it is with text. Let's take a look at a few pictures and see what happens.
Each of these images give you a response. Perhaps a longing to travel, memories of childhood, or maybe even hunger. The same happens with the images on Pinterest. The images there catch peoples attention,
Let's start off with the technical side of things first. Pinnable images must be of a certain size and file type. You can pin JPG, PNG, and GIF image files and they need to be at least 80 by 120 pixels or 120 pixels by 80 pixels in dimension; however, please don't rely on images that are this small. On Pinterest, images this small will get lost among all of the other bigger images. In the Pinterest feed, all images get the same width, but the height can vary. Take advantage of this by using tall images whenever possible.
This is so important that I'm going to repeat myself. Use tall images. Tall images will give your content a better chance of getting noticed. For example, on this screen we can see that this silly pup is tall and big, but the image next to it with a white background that's smaller and shorter is much easier to overlook than this tall big image. When an image is clicked on, a new screen appears and if the image is at least 735 pixels wide, it will fill the entire space. If it's less than 735 pixels wide, the image will have a border around it, which is okay.
The image just needs to be big enough that people can see the important details of it


