Create pinterest account : How to pin , all pinterest Tips and Tricks
Presentation : One of the things that makes Pinterest so addictive are all of the beautiful images that you see on Pinterest. But how do they get there? And what types of
images can be pinned to Pinterest? Let's take a look. The most common type of image you will come across on Pinterest is a still image. It's either a JPEG,
A PNG, or A GIF image. Most of these images, when clicked on, will link back to the website or blog post that it came from. To pin an image from a website,
simply locate the Pin it button and give it a click. Then select the image you want to pin.
A box will appear where you can choose a board to pin to and add to or change the description of the pin. If your account is linked to Facebook or Twitter
you also have the option to share a link to the pin on those platforms when pinning. Occasionally sharing your pins on Facebook or Twitter can be a good
technique to use to bring attention to your Pinterest account. Think of it as a quick and easy way to cross-promote your social networks. To finish pinning,
simply click Pin it and you and your followers will now be able to find that pin on your account and through a Pinterest search.
Sometimes users on Pinterest will upload an image from the hard drive of their computer and they will not link it anywhere. To upload an image to your
Pinterest account simply click the plus button located in the lower right hand corner of the screen. Select Upload a Pin and here you'll choose an image
from your hard drive to pin.
Select a Board to pin it to and add a Description. And Pin it.
Pinterest is made up of more than just still images. GIF images, which are low resolution, animated images or very short video segments are pinable and
playable within Pinterest.
Presentation : One of the things that makes Pinterest so addictive are all of the beautiful images that you see on Pinterest. But how do they get there? And what types of
images can be pinned to Pinterest? Let's take a look. The most common type of image you will come across on Pinterest is a still image. It's either a JPEG,
A PNG, or A GIF image. Most of these images, when clicked on, will link back to the website or blog post that it came from. To pin an image from a website,
simply locate the Pin it button and give it a click. Then select the image you want to pin.
A box will appear where you can choose a board to pin to and add to or change the description of the pin. If your account is linked to Facebook or Twitter
you also have the option to share a link to the pin on those platforms when pinning. Occasionally sharing your pins on Facebook or Twitter can be a good
technique to use to bring attention to your Pinterest account. Think of it as a quick and easy way to cross-promote your social networks. To finish pinning,
simply click Pin it and you and your followers will now be able to find that pin on your account and through a Pinterest search.
Sometimes users on Pinterest will upload an image from the hard drive of their computer and they will not link it anywhere. To upload an image to your
Pinterest account simply click the plus button located in the lower right hand corner of the screen. Select Upload a Pin and here you'll choose an image
from your hard drive to pin.
Select a Board to pin it to and add a Description. And Pin it.
Pinterest is made up of more than just still images. GIF images, which are low resolution, animated images or very short video segments are pinable and
playable within Pinterest.