Interview w/ M1 - 02

  • 9 years ago

T = Tracy; D = Dan; B = M1 ; A = Ani

T: So Im going onto my second question. That is what is the current value of the collateral that is being used to cover payments 1 – 11
B: Yes . comprises of the value collateral, global collateral principle is 78 billion kilograms
T: 78 billion kilograms of gold
B: Gold and platinum
D: Gold and platinum
B: Majority is platinum
D: Majority is platinum
B: Yes
T: to put this into perspective. A kilogram is a thousand grams. We talking about brick of metal and platinum and gold are heavy metals. Gold is heavy metals right.
B: Yes
T: So we talking about a thousand grams times 78 billion and that’s certainly much larger collateral than the quintillion that will take to the new economy and dissolve debt.
A: Yes
T: Wow. Thats a lot of metal and a very large asset. With that. That’s a wrap ...................................
T: OK we’re onto our third question and I know we’re dealing with some very large numbers but we’re talking about the whole world here. And mmm so, the third question is - What kind of documentation do you have as M1 that you are the sole owner of this collateral, you know the 78 billion kilograms of platinum and gold.
B: Yes the basic I have the identity certificate called Microfilm, the identity certificate of the Microfilm using the world substitution certificate.. and that was reported by the Union Bank of Switzerland ... with total collateral of 78 billion kilograms, The Exhibit A principle 255 certificates. The Exhibit B principle 29 certificates platinum and Exhibit B the basic the last time 17 obligation certificates and the quotas certificate principle of 70 billion kilogram platinum.
T: so when we hear the terms exhibit A and B it’s actually referring to this documentation
B: Yes
T: This is proof that you are the owner which also a microfilm is part of which recognise, you possess the microfilm and the certificate. And can the public see your certificate?
B: The public can see the certificates after it’s all finished , before it is finish, Danger. The public can’t ask question to The Union Bank of Switzerland, who and which country, because that’s under the article and the rule of agreements, because the Single Owner is using about A Code name but the code name is covered by certificate identity, the Microfilm, this is the back to back up security to this system, the monetary system because that is a cover ; to all the Law , to all the regulations , to change the regulations, because automatically in all locations, the account control agreement by country only , is not in this time.
T: So, there’s a certificate. And at some point you will bring that to light in the public’s eye
A: When it’s safe
T: When it’s safe. So things are in the works for that to happen. And that will come out so documentation will be irrefutable. This is irrefutable documentation that you are the sole owner of so much metal.
B: nods
A: Yes
T: Wow OK. That’s a wrap
