Interview w/ M1 - 03

  • 9 years ago

T = Tracy; D = Dan; B = M1 ; A = Ani

T: OK this is question number four. What is required in order to receive a payment of payments 1 – 11
B: Principle ,The bank must collect about the identity of the people
T: OK so for people, a person just simply presents a Government ID
B: Government ID principle or the citizen ID principle as the identity
D: Sorry, an ID card (Dan displays his ID card)
B: example , Yes
T: So this would work
B: Yes
T: For Dan to get access to his payment as an individual he just has to
B: Because I as the people I have about this identity I can claim to them that where my ATM, my human obligation, this must cover by The M1. The example, because tomorrow (later) under the instruction and under the release, the people will understand. For once all the people will understand.
T: Very good and then the second part will be like governments accept or not their payment, how will they receive it?
B: To the Government principle ,must be using about a form they must sign because this is for big money. About the new printing, about the patent license agreement that is to cover in your countries.
D: Printing the new currency right
B: Ya this is for the new currency and you can use your own picture in your new currency
T: So the process to receive payment is very simple. It’s not complex.
B: Yes
T: Present your ID to receive or fill out a form for government and that takes care of it.
B: Nods
T: That’s reassuring. That’s a Wrap
T: OK so we going to go with our next question. Are payments a gift if accepted by August 17 2015
B: Yes it’s a gift
T: It’s a gift
B: Yes
T: Now , why was the date chosen – August 17, 2015
B: It’s finished because that is about identity of the value (the value of Identity) , That’s why all people were born on this planet. That is from God, Principle.
T: So that is why the date is chosen
B: Yes
T: So clarify that a little bit. I got a little bit lost. The date was chosen
A: It was ...
B: It is protection
A: for protection
B: Because from the last time any religions in this planet was not covered about the life of the people, all.
D: Offer this to the people
B: Because the basic problem in this planet about the ecosoc, economy social. That is the basic about the problem – the economy
T: Ja that is the central problem. That’s why there’s so much chaos in the world
B: That’s why finishing using the Human Obligation to the people principle, to freedom forever
T: Freedom really sounds good doesn’t it
T: So what happens if the payments are not received or accepted as the gift by August 17, 2015. What if it, you know; like for example government lets the time pass, its August 19th and the deadline passed. What happens then?
B: Principle that is under the Grand Design from The God, for me that is no problem.
T: So there is no problem for you
B: No problem for me
T: It’s the problem for the country
B: A big problem for the country
T: This could be a significant problem because if other countries receive this as gift and your country chooses not to receive it or misses the deadline and part of this publication broadcast of this information is to put the whole world on notice that the date is coming. It’s a hard date for the countries. Not for the individuals. That’s separate. But for the countries this is a hard date. August 17, 2015. If the countries choose to let the time lapse, ignore this or choose not to receive this as a gift, then after that date it’s no more available as a gift. Ever again. True?
B: True
T: OK. Yet you still be available for them to borrow it from you. Right. So they can have access but now it’s through borrowing. Not as a gift. Am I understanding you correctly?
A: Yes
B: Nods
T: OK So the other part to the date of August 17, 2015 is that’s not a hard date for the individual. Individuals will be able to receive their gift as soon as they become aware of it. And it’s an ongoing gift for generations. So new babies born they can access an account that would be allocated for them, the 6 million and then the monthly. So that’s an ongoing gift. Ongoing
A: Ya
B: Nods
T: As people are born. So as soon as people learn about this they can ask for their gift – 6 million plus their monthly.
B: Nods
T: To re-iterate that was 600 for child; 1200 dollar equivalent USD per adult. So that’s the monthly. The 6 million is enough to cover paying off personal debts, Is that correct? And then you can access that and more information will come out in how to access the money
A: Yes.
T: So this is very big news. That’s a wrap!
