best quality Brick and tile production unit to make a fully automatic machinemaking in Iran

  • 17 years ago
The bricks are formed by extrusion.
A heavy duty screw press extrudes the premixed soil through a die to from a column of brick.
Manufacturing and consignor:
this company has done a design done, and the installation of 17 blocks starter pottery bricks machine manufacturing pottery (Ceramic) with a consortium with a lot of different otechestvennayaa company and using the latest data on the world and through examination climatic situation of the country with success.
the company is using specialized human resources and equipment could be useful to spend a lot of machinery to make product lines such as pottery bricks:
-- finger car
-- moving car
-- fan
-- gas burner
-- circulation fan
-- Caelum
-- conveyor
-- Elevator
-- brick strip razgrzhaya
-- table group to move pallets
-- Build a car
-- press machine
-- thermal equipment transformer tunnel
offloading system and discharge of the machine sting to go and load profile for the tunnel furnace brick tunnel technology do with a capacity of 350 to 500 tons of the product in accordance with industry specialists from the Ministry of expediency.

-- according to the presentation of a row conversion technology, we should mention that the machinery hamgams picture Foreign company because machinery of the company can produce 400 tones cooked products every day with a very high quality and according to the request of the Ministry of Industries & mine, or with the needs of customers, if they have a better product of the block, the technology could allow a suitable building under Techton Company and the negotiations made in Iran and Germany with the company.
