Horny Florida woman calls 911 to solicit sex

  • 9 years ago
Maria Montenez-Colon, a 58-year-old widow from Punta Gorda, Florida was arrested after she allegedly called 911 to ask for sex. According to police, the self-described "horny" widow summoned an officer to her home and asked him to have sex with her, claiming "I haven't been penetrated in years!"

Montenez-Colon allegedly dialed 911 and told the dispatcher that she wanted to get her husband's "Corvette" back from her stepson. An officer arrived at her house in Punta Gorda and found her to be intoxicated. She welcomed the officer by asking if he was married. The officer maintained his composure and politely asked how he could help her. She replied by asking whether she could have sex with the officer. She then grabbed the officer's arms and rubbed her hands up and down his chest. He rejected her advances and advised her to contact the police department through the non-emergency line.

However, Montenez-Colon dialled 911 again to complain. The officer returned to her home with another officer and asked the woman if she could recall their conversation about not using 911 in non-emergency circumstances. She replied by saying that this was the only way for her to have sex with the officer. Montenez-Colon was then handcuffed and sent to Charlotte County Jail.


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