Grasshopper and Ants - English Moral Story

  • 9 years ago
Grasshopper and Ants is one of the oldest moral story in English. In this story there is a grasshopper who just enjoys in the spring and just sings and enjoys the climate. He sees a group of ants who were struggling and working hard in collecting food, grains for them. The grasshopper goes to them and asks them why are you working so hard when its time to enjoy. The ants reply to grasshopper's query, that they are collecting food for winter season. So the grasshopper laughed at the ants and said why are you working for future when you can enjoy in present. He made fun of the ants and went away singing and dancing. After few months when winter season came there was so cold and snow everywhere. The grasshopper cannot find any food in that snow. So he went to ant's hive to seek some shelter. But the ant's did not accept any kind of apologies from the grasshopper and ignored him completely.
00:19The name of the story is
00:21The Grasshopper and The Ants
00:27It was fine day
00:30in the Summer
00:34There was a lot of activity everywhere
00:39Summer time
00:40is the time
00:41where the Sun shines
00:43with all its brightness
00:47All birds and animals
00:49are busy
00:50doing their own things
00:55As many others
00:57the Ants were busy
01:00picking up the grains
01:02from everywhere they could find
01:05and bringing it to their ant hive
01:10They were stacking up
01:12all the grains that they could find
01:16to store in the hive
01:18so that
01:20they can use it up
01:22they will not be able to work
01:26in the winter days
01:30There was one Grasshopper
01:32who saw
01:34that all the ants
01:37are busy collecting the grains
01:41So he went to the ants
01:44and said to them
01:49Oh! my dear ants
01:53What are you doing?
01:56ants said to the grasshopper
01:59Oh we are picking up the grains
02:03Grasshopper said
02:06picking up the grains
02:07Oh ho ho ho ho...
02:09for what
02:10there is so much of grain
02:11and plenty of food around
02:15Why are you working so hard right now?
02:20The ants said
02:22We are not working for
02:24Collecting the grain
02:26and eat it right now
02:27We are actually tring to save it
02:30for the winter
02:32You know grasshopper
02:34you also should do that
02:36because you will not find any grain
02:39in the winter
02:40and you will starve to death
02:43The grasshopper laughed at them
02:47he said
02:48Oh ho ho ho ho...
02:50my dear ants friends
02:53nobody works in the Summer
02:56It is such a nice weather
02:59nobody should do any hardwork in the Summer
03:04Oh! look at me
03:06I am just dancing and dancing and dancing
03:09and having good time of my life
03:15don't you feel like having some good time to yourself
03:22The ants said
03:23no no no grasshopper
03:25you are wrong
03:27you should work hard
03:29when the time is favourable
03:33so that
03:34you can take rest
03:36when time is not favourable
03:41The grasshopper told them
03:43Oh ho ho ho
03:45I don't know
03:47what you are saying
03:49I don't believe in your theory
03:52Oh! I am so happy myself
03:54Ok bye bye...
04:01That way
04:02the grasshopper
04:03went away merrily
04:05doing nothing, but dancing away
04:08the whole Summer
04:12Summer got over
04:15and than came the Winter
04:21cold wind started flowing around
04:28It was getting freezy
04:31It was getting very cold
04:35Everybody was in their nest
04:38caves and hives
04:40weathering away the winter
04:45The ants in the hive also
04:48were at ease
04:51they had stacked up
04:53a lot of grain during the Summer
04:57now they could just relax
05:00and let the Winter pass
05:05but here
05:07this grasshopper
05:09could not find anything to eat
05:13and he started starving
05:16So he came to the ants
05:19and he was shivering with the cold
05:22he asked the ants
05:26Ohhoo Ohhoo Ohhoo Ohhoo
05:30Ants could you please give me some grains
05:38I am so cold
05:43I am hungry also
05:49Please give me some grains
05:57Ants told him
05:59Oh! Grasshopper
06:01We told you to work
06:02and store your grains for your Winter
06:06You never ever listen to us
06:09and you actually made fun of us
06:12You actually made fun of the hardworking ants
06:16and you danced your way around in whole Summer
06:21and now you are shivering
06:23and asking for food
06:26that we collected with our hardwork
06:30Go away
06:32We will not give you anything
06:39The Grasshopper was disappointed
06:42but he could not do anything
06:47he realized that
06:50ants were right
06:53he should have worked hard in the Summer
06:57and saved the grains for himself
07:01for the winter
07:03He just went away
07:09that he would not make that mistake
07:16The moral of the story is
07:19One should work hard
07:22in his good days
07:24to store the provisions
07:27for the bad day
