The custom of "Arapides" in Nikissiani

  • 10 years ago
On the day of the Epiphany in Nikissiani of Kavala in Municipality of Paggeo a ritual known as "Niggers" is performed. The name comes from the disguise of the protagonists which is dominated by black, with black coats, impressive masks and costumes made from sheeps and goats.

All teams of "Niggers" "make joint parade in the streets, under the deafening sounds of their bells in order for their sound to chase away evil spirits.

Two group leaders struggle until the final fall of one.

Then, around the fallen leader, they all gather in a ritual which ends with the resurrection of the dead and the peculiar frantic dance of all that follows.

According to tradition, the show symbolizes the death of Dionysus by the Titans and his resurrection from Zeus and in parallel the hibernating of nature during winter and then the resurrection of nature with the coming spring.