Church of St. Gregory the Theologian of New Karvali

  • 10 years ago
Holy Church of St. Gregory the Theologian of New Karvali is located 10 km from the city of Kavala.

Honor to the St. and great Hierarch a Temple was built here, which has the same architectural style, such as Gelveri of Asia Minor.

The Temple is dedicated to the eminent scholar Gregorio Theologian or Nazianzus and from 1924 kept here the venerable relics of his body, located in a golden urn.

Every year the eve of his celebration on January 24 is Great Vespers, followed by Vigil.

On the day of the feast on January 25 in the morning Divine Liturgy is performed and there is a procession of the holy relic in the streets of the village. Then remains for the holy pilgrimage to the vestibule of the church until the last one passes.

