Obama on Iraq: "The United States can't just look away"

  • 10 years ago

In his weekly radio address, U.S. President Barack Obama said on Saturday (August 9) that the U.S. could not stand by as an entire religious community in Iraq faces genocide.

"The terrorists that have taken over parts of Iraq have been especially brutal to religious minorities-rounding up families, executing men, enslaving women, and threatening the systematic destruction of an entire religious community, which would be genocide," Obama said, a day after U.S. warplanes bombed Islamist fighters marching on Iraq's Kurdish capital.

Islamic State fighters, who have beheaded and crucified captives in their drive to eradicate unbelievers, have advanced to within a half hour's drive of Arbil, capital of Iraq's Kurdish region and a hub for U.S. oil companies.

The U.S. air strikes were the first in Iraq since Obama pulled all troops out in 2011, arguing action was needed to halt the Islamist advance, protect Americans and safeguard hundr