Fat Loss Tips- 4 Minute Rapid Fat Burning Workout(Afterburn)

  • 10 years ago
http://bit.ly/FATLOSSWORKOUTS Fat Loss Tips- 4 Minute Rapid Fat Burning Workout(Afterburn)
For more Fat Loss tips: Do this quick 4 minute full body circuit to get lean fast!-when youre in a time crunch, stuck in a hotel, wake up late cant make it to the gym, or just as a finisher to maximize fat loss in minimum time.-Do each exercise for 20 seconds/rest and recover for 10 seconds in between exercises.-Do two cycles-of these 4 Exercises1. Mountain climber- start in the prone position and pull one foot up and under your hips.Then with a slight jump quickly switch your feet. One foot goes back the opposite foot comes under your hips. Look straight down to keep your head in line with your spine, looking straight ahead will only strain your neck.2. Spider-Man Push Up- If youre a beginner just do a modified or regular push up. The spider man is hard the first couple of times you do it, but youll quickly get stronger and better at it. First get in the prone position. As you descend into the down position bring your right knee out and up toward your right elbow. Do not put your right foot on the ground hold it up. If you feel like youre throwing yourself head first into the ground-youre doing it right. Bring your right foot back to its original position as you push up to the top position of the push up.3. Beginners can do regular or reverse lunges in place. Russian lunges-step out with your right foot just like a regular lunge. You then with a slight hop quickly swith foot positions right foot back, left foot goes forward. Then switch again, no rest. Put your arms out for balance initially. Once you have the basics the key is to jump as high as you can when switching feet.4. Burpee! 1. Hands on the ground 2. Thrust your feet behind you 3. Lower yourself into the down position of the push-up 4. Press yourself to the up position 5. With a slight hop pull(use your abs)your feet toward your hands 6. Stand up 7. repeat5. 90 Degree Wall Squat to recover-for recovery just step
