• 11 years ago
JOHN DOE IS UNDER ATTACK! This week, Conspiracy Cinema host John Doe goes UNDERCOVER to get close to Nicolas Cage (and past his Norwegian henchmen) to find out whether Cage is a time traveller or a vampire. Subscribe -- http://goo.gl/9AGRm

BUT, this week, he needs YOUR HELP to uncover a conspiracy and build his elite, top-secret team of internet warriors for his clandestine PROJECT RED BOOK! This episode is based on a comment by one of our viewers!

LAST WEEK: Steven Spielberg is taking his movie-making business to INDIA where he will shoot TEMPLE OF DOOM 2, ET2 and JAWS 5! This is a super fun ep, don't miss it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vR1ULsE69K0

Join Will McFadden, er-- "John Doe" each week as he investigates conspiracy theories surrounding the secret world of Hollywood. Connect with his crack cadre of CYBERSPACE COMMANDOS with "PROJECT RED BOOK."

"Conspiracy Cinema" uncovers the hidden messages, secret agendas and cover-ups that every movie-lover needs to know about. Written, produced & directed by "Kernel Kurtz" AKA Travis Kurtz. Edited by Ivan Nemergut.

Next week: Is HARRY POTTER a recruitment apparatus for Wicca and a tool for Demons to possess your soul?!?!

Do YOU have a conspiracy you would like Mr. Doe to investigate? Record your comment below... in code. Or just write it in plain English and maybe we'll do a future episode based on your idea (we'll mention you if we do!).
