• last year
LONGLEGS Movie Trailer - The End - Plot synopsis: Lee Harker (Maika Monroe), a talented new FBI agent, has been assigned to an unsolved case of a serial killer. As the investigation becomes more complicated with occult evidence uncovered, Harker realizes a personal link to the ruthless killer and must act quickly to prevent another family murder.

directed by Oz Perkins

starring Maika Monroe, Nicolas Cage, Alicia Witt, Blair Underwood

release date July 12, 2024 (in theaters)
00:00Don't move.
00:03Is it scary being an FBI agent?
00:10The letter was left with the bodies.
00:12We have ten letters like it.
00:14Over the past thirty years.
00:16And all in the sign of one word.
00:19Long legs.
00:25He'll kill.
00:27And kill again.
00:30There she is.
00:33You could have been nice with me.
00:37But you didn't.
00:38Put the gun down!
00:41And now that...
00:43Is the end...
00:45To all of this.
