Runaway Horse Drawn Carriage Crashes Into Taxi In NYC

  • 10 years ago
A bizarre accident recently occurred in New York City, involving a taxi and a horse drawn carriage. The male horse named Pumpkin broke out of his bridle and took off with the carriage still attached.

If you are in and around midtown Manhattan, it's hard to escape the sights of horse carriages.

A bizarre accident occurred on Monday involving a taxi and a horse drawn carriage. The male horse named Pumpkin broke out of his bridle and took off with the carriage still attached.

No driver or passengers were onboard at the time. Instead of just bolting out of sight, he stuck to his normal route through Central Park. Horse carriage riders saw where Pumpkin was headed and predicted where he would go.

The drivers gathered near the zoo off Fifth Ave, hoping they would be able to corral him. A bicyclist jumped into the seat to slow him down but unfortunately it didn’t work out. Pumpkin actually sped up.

He continued to run until a cab got in the way. Pumpkin’s attached carriage slammed into the door of the taxi. That caused the unharmed, but frightened 7-year-old horse to stop running.

The incident is fueling the ongoing dispute to stop the use of horse drawn carriages in the city. The animal rights organization, NYCLASS remarked “This is just the latest instance that shows how unsafe horse carriages can be. It’s time to retire the carriage horses and replace them with something that doesn’t spook or dart dangerously through traffic and pedestrians.”