TOEFL & IELTS - Vocabulary - Library

  • 10 years ago

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In this lesson, Justin will focus on giving you useful words for libraries that you will very likely use around a few places (school comes to mind). These are key words that will be useful to understand and master if you wish to be around a library or anywhere with books. Pay attention and focus on listening so you'll be sure to understand, learn and improve with this new TOEFL & IELTS lesson.

TOEFL & IELTS Vocabulary - Library
Hello everyone, today's lesson will be about vocabulary around libraries! This vocabulary will also be useful outside of a library, especially around school.
Reference: Use of a source of information to ascertain something
Biography: The life of someone by someone else
Bookmark: Material to mark one's place in a book
Renewal: Extension of the loan for borrowed material
Copyright: Legal right that protects the work of an author from being copied
