The True Might of Light Side Revanite Gray Jedi Master and Jedi High General of Revan's Infinite Army Jedi Lord Starsurge

  • 10 years ago
Light Side Revanite Gray Jedi Master and Jedi High of Revan's Infinite Jedi Lord Starsurge fights Crime Lord Torvik's soldiers on the planet Corellia one of the Republic worlds in the galactic core region of the galaxy. As they the Force Powers and Lightsaber Combat skills of the Jedi Lord Starsurge gathers their Republic Credits along with other resources they carry on their person in hopes of buying parts to strengthen his azure blue bladed Lightsaber hilt which only contains a rare Mantel of the Force Lightsaber Crystal as it's primary focusing crystal. Genarel Starsurge has vast collection of standard single bladed Lightsaber hilts with many different Color Focusing Crystals to use in combat as he so desires held in his starship's cargo hold. Only some of these Lightsabers are suited for use in combat however being that some are still lacking Power Cells, Power Crystals, Focusing Lens and Beam Emitter Matrices which all enhance the blades properties making it deal more damage, deflect blaster bolts more easily or have other special Force or skill related abilities. Being that Jedi are not very well off financially because most prefer to live a modest life the only way Starsurge can make Republic Credits is by killing dangerous heavily armed Republic Criminals and Imperial Soldiers or even Sith Lords trained in the ways of the Dark Side of the Force who are the only beings in the galaxy which actually pose a treat to him, but over the course of Starsurge's Jedi and Sith training he has fought many Force wielders on both sides of the Great Galactic War between the Republic and the True Sith Empire. He learned from both side of the Force before returning to Light Side along with the Jedi Order and few have bested him in single combat due to his strength in the Force along with his skills in the Soresu, Shien and Juyo Lightsaber forms. Even one of his new allies Lord Scourge a former Sith Lord who once knew Revan himself admitted that his strength was greater then any Jedi or Sith he had known before and that perhaps he alone holds the power to defeat the Sith Emperor Dark Lord of the Sith Vitiate. Destiny the will of the Force had shined it's light upon him, Orden Marek the man and the Jedi Padawan who would eventually become the Jedi Lord guided by the good in his heart to work to serve the galaxy as a Jedi Master. He was not a perfect man or Jedi however, but he choose to walk his own path in the Force and use his emotions along with his passion for the sake of the Light Side. He saw both Light and Dark as Revan before him which awakened him to the Light of his own true nature. In a way he thought himself heir to Revan's awesome legacy and perhaps he was right being that he found a holocorn created by Revan which told of his Master Kreia's teachings hidden hear a shrine to Revan on Drumand Kaas during his time as Sith Apprentice back was forced by the Sith Lords into nearly betraying the Republic along with the Jedi Order.
