Star Wars: The Old Republic- The Origins and Rise of Jedi Lord Starsurge

  • 11 years ago
This is the Origin Story behind Jedi Lord Starsurge my character in Star Wars: The Old Republic Online. Orden Marek (Starsurge) was both a Jedi and Sith at one time after being captured by the Sith who killed his Jedi Master when he was just a Jedi Padawan (Teenager) then forced him to become a Sith. Later however Orden escaped the Sith Empire and rejoin the Jedi Order to complete his Jedi Training.
He took the identity of a smuggler who he found dead on a remote planet where the smuggler had crash landed and died on impact then used it to travel to the Jedi Academy on Obroa-skai where he received Jedi Training after claiming he had just discovered the power of the Force within him due to help of a Jedi Padawan stationed on Corellia just shortly before that Padawan's disappearance after a fierce battle with the Sith. After Orden Marek's Jedi Training on Obroa-skai he took on the new name of Starsurge an code name as to not let his true identity be discovered just in case someone came looking for the dead smuggler and found his body. Orden was presumed by the Republic to have turned over to Dark Side and joined the Sith willingly thus betraying the Republic which Jedi are bond to protect.
