WebSpanish, revolutionizing online Spanish learning

  • hace 17 años
In order to learn a language you have to communicate, and that’s where WebSpanish shines. A completely new and effective way to take Spanish classes on the web, WebSpanish does not rely upon CD’s or videos, but instead offers live classes and live teachers, giving you maximum opportunity to practice spoken Spanish and broaden your vocabulary. With courses ranging from basic to advanced, WebSpanish offers Spanish instruction at the right level for you, no matter how much or little Spanish you know. Even if you have never spoken the language before, we will get you communicating right from your very first lesson. You can take WebSpanish classes to aid independent study, or as a way of boosting your high school, university or night class Spanish grades. Our teachers are interesting, engaging people who will help you reach your learning goals. Getting started is easy. Sign up for a special introductory lesson at http://www.webspanish.com or drop us a line at info@webspanish.com

