Un proyecto nacido en España que cruza el Atlántico para asentarse en tierras No Zombies. Teatro intimista, directo, preciso. La oportunidad de estar ahí en la escena y el gimnasio al que deben acudir todos aquellos que gustan de contar historias. Esto es Microteatro México "Por Dinero".
A project born in Spain crosses the Atlantic to settle in NoZombie lands. Intimate, direct and precise theatre. The opportunity to be there, at the scene as an audience, and the perfect gym for those who like to tell stories. This is Microteatro México "For the money".
DESPIERTA // WAKE UP http://www.WeAreNotZombies.tv
LIKE http://www.facebook.com/WeAreNotZombiestv
FOLLOW http://www.twitter.com/WANZtv
FOLLOW and LIKE http://www.instagram.com/WANZtv
CONOCE // MEET http://wanztv.tumblr.com
A project born in Spain crosses the Atlantic to settle in NoZombie lands. Intimate, direct and precise theatre. The opportunity to be there, at the scene as an audience, and the perfect gym for those who like to tell stories. This is Microteatro México "For the money".
DESPIERTA // WAKE UP http://www.WeAreNotZombies.tv
LIKE http://www.facebook.com/WeAreNotZombiestv
FOLLOW http://www.twitter.com/WANZtv
FOLLOW and LIKE http://www.instagram.com/WANZtv
CONOCE // MEET http://wanztv.tumblr.com